
SimPly wriTe sOmething

In the purpose to be perfunctory with my cousin=Wendy,i write this article to coax her to feel happy.She is in low spirit today.something unhappy happened,and she unable come to my house cause of that incident(pity,never mind still have lots of chance to see my cute cute face)
ermmm, cousin...ermmm,a little girl who..."gila anjing".She love doggie so much and her favourite is AH POOH!(my dog,actually i dont think that it is cute)she like my house cause she can play with him...AH POOH is an apple of her eyes until she always neglect me when i try to talk with her...(what a let down)
Hey,u sudden ask me to write something but i really have nothing more to say.
so,i just hope u can be more happy n support u la.

nah,this is AH pOOh de photo,i Know u Miss Him^^
say:'thank you ah fei'laaaa><




This is for my peoples
Who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby
Your man or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on I wish
I could talk to you for a while
Miss you but I try not to cry
As time goes by


My ah tUt Tut gt Blog liao lovely ah tut tut finally create a blog liao><
so touching.i love ah tut tut...she go bek 2 Ipoh 2day,i think v wil meet again when sh gt semester break.haix,its ok,i wil miss her de.This chinese new year really have a bit different with previous year.Economy is getting worse,all grown-up try to save their money(by giving less angpau 2 child,but i noe they muz hav their own ineffable difficulties)...Everybody is hoping economic revival.Ya,tee gong peh,u fast fast let all people got work and lead us to brighter way la.
Haiz,as the economy getting relationship oso having predicament..really!my frenz is getting less and less.sometimes,its hardly to find a frenz to meet when i was at hometown.T.T
i could feel that there a gap...a wide gap...i dunnno how to explain my feel now.jz like,a child who jz lost her lollipop.^^(wat a bad illustration)
ya,yesterday i went bek to my mother's mother de house(oso call as grandparent la)and my mother's grandma still look healthy and cute.

Forever Friends
you'r my friend and that is true,
but the gift was given from me to you.
we went thru moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
you suported me when i was in tears,
we stuck together when we were in fear,

its really sad that it had to be this way,
but it has reached its very last day.
miles away cant keep us apart,
'cause you'll always be in my heart.

Make new friends
But keep the old
One is sliver and the other gold !

somebody face at here :p(nt my face lai de,dun misunderstand hah)





今天是年初一,阿飞今天7点就起床了。因为我们要早早到阿嬷家拜年。呵呵,穿好衣服之后,我才发现…我和大妹穿了同一款式的衣服。(深怕他人误会我们是双胞胎)…今天的早上叻,我们吃了炒米粉和糖水(初一要吃斋,这是我们家的习俗)。。。今年的新年气氛没有往年般热闹,可是今年阿公和阿嬷穿得超有中国风的,所以孩子们都争相和他们合照。then,v took pic 2gether.everyone seem very happy as v never take this type of pic b4. my elder sis n i rushed here and rushed there to set up the self-timer.Finally,v success took a nice photo^^But v oso sweat like a pig(maybe pig nt sweat,i jz wan to tel u all that v really sweat a lot)
然后,便小睡一下。(闷……)although gt many relative cum visit my hz,i stil in my sweet sweet dream>< haha,i still gt angpau leh.coz my sis help me take de)
晚上,便和ah tut,欣怡还有柔仪到极乐寺游玩。我们猛拍照,疯狂的笑……简直就是玩疯了。我们一直找寻完美角度拍照,结果……景色美丽,人却不怎么样咯。:p
正当我们玩得不亦乐乎的时候,柔仪问:“我的眼镜呢?”(指了指我的衣服,因为是吊在我的衣服)不见了,我们都吓到脸绿了。找线索吧!拿出手机,寻找着之前我们在哪些地方不见。当我们冲到案发现场的时候,眼镜已经被踩破啦!!!柔仪看起来还蛮伤心的。。。过后,我们还是继续拍照。(不好意思,我们的神经比较大条)过后,玩累了,便回家啦。^^(by the way,ah som drive faster on the way home.thx ang gong,coz i can went home safely)
对了,我和ah tut今天在极乐寺买了差不多一样的手绳,祝我们继续恩恩爱爱吧。(blek!somyi and xin yi dun wan buy,v dun lov both of u liao)今天的初一玩的还蛮开心的。柔仪,希望你们能赶快配到新的眼镜吧。新年快乐,万事如意还有祝我们友谊永固厚!


Laugh Out Loud

"can u help me do something,jz 5 mins wil do"柔仪是这样跟我说的。买个电话卡而已嘛,所以我便答应陪她出去啦。可是,这个5分钟也未免太久了一点吧?买了电话卡后,她说:“我们去找ah tut聊天吧!”由于她载着我的关系,所以我就答应了。去到ah tut的家,我们成功把她从睡梦中吵醒。然后,3人共乘一辆摩托到7-11买冰淇淋吃。然后,我们便到游乐园作者聊天还有边吃冰淇淋。我们都像是小孩子那样,吃冰淇淋吃得满嘴都是。看着彼此的肮脏样子,我们不禁互相取笑着对方。忽然间,柔仪不小心瞄到对岸有很多棵ribena树。
我和ah tut互相看了看,然后一起打消她的念头。
“不要啦,那是别人的东西来的。我们不可以偷采别人的东西。”当时的我们简直把道德教育发挥到了极点。^^可是,我们最后还是败给了她。在她的坚持与哀求的眼神下,我们跨到了对面岸,进行我们的ribena计划。我们都努力的採,深怕有人会把我们捉起来。结果,可怜的ah tut被逼帮柔仪把采集到ribena收到口袋里。由于有很多蚂蚁的关系,ah tut一直都在抓那些在他身上爬来爬去的蚂蚁。可怜啊……
过后,我们便让那可怜的蚂蚁小姐回家冲凉去。而我这只可怜的猪仔继续被她载着,到处走。过后,我们去到一个马来档口想买椰水喝。可是,正当我们要跟那位小弟弟说的时候,我们竟然忘了椰子的马来文是KELAPA还是 KAPALA。
然后假聪明的我就说:“说coconut啦,他会懂的。”错!那位小弟弟完全不明白。没办法,我们只好拿出不杀手锏。伸出我们的手指,指着椰水说:“kami mau dua!”耶!成功啦。。。一路喝着椰水一边笑着对方的差劲。竟然不知道椰子在马来文是怎么说的。


I‘m waiting for u^^

waiting for u,i'm waiting for u...waiting for u giv me angpau.yeah,now i full wif spirit of new year.今天,老爸带我到华人大会堂拿奖励金。(凡是进入师范学院的华人子弟都可以拿钱^^)拿了钱,回到家后...就开始收拾家里啦。我的妹妹早早就把家里给布置好了(人家有艺术天分,我只会吃饭睡觉T.T)正当我和小妹小妹在抹窗的时候,问题来了!
没有新年歌的助兴,我们找不到新年的feel。。。呵呵,then i took out my laptop and played some chinese new year really worked,因为我们更努力的整理家里了。今天,我拿到了第一个红包。嘻嘻,羡慕吧?我的新年来得比别人早。邻居阿姨因为新年有东西要忙而托了婆婆把红包交给我们。虽然我不是亲手拿到的,不过那个拿红包的心情却很……i mean,excited^^


ThaTs my LIfe

Life always being blamed.but v still have to learn how to continue our life,even there are people who v dun,there are someone who very irritating sat beside me.she tried to make out some awful sound and make me cant concentrated on my study.(she spoke like a "baby",making some sound like Rain Yang,but actually she make me felt like want vommit)...when i read my story book,she sang!!!gosh,u never noe what played on my mind at that moment.i felt want to take off my high heel shoes and hit on her face.arghh,maybe she has confidence on her voice.but i could not stand anymore.maybe she felt herself like a superstar,(people,"buu"sama dia)=.='"

now she is my only problem,she owaz make me fed up.yup,fed up!if she continue that behaviour.i mean,i dun like people who try to act cute in front of me.ermmm,it may let me lost control...i really hate people act cute la.......!!!!!can anybody ask her to stop doing the nonsense,digusting,pretension expression?...if i continue to get along with her,i may get mad.(maybe when she doing the "babi"sound,i wil throw my book on her face)huh,i really angry now.i never that abominate a person.huh!

haiz,jz forget about stil continue dun matter what happened.(even i may hit her)muahahaha...thats my life!dun let ah fei get angry,nobody can take it.and,dun make babi sound in front of me,i hate it.act as an adult....

p/s:she owaz say i am very fat...hey,her face swollen than me,i everyday jogging coz instigate by her.huh,i want fit than her!!!!!my life now is full of the will to fight.yes,gambateh!



不知不觉,回来怡保快一个星期了。每天都开开心心的过,也许在这里的日子并没有想象中那么 难过。只是,去年那吵吵闹闹的班已经平静了很多。有人开始读书,有人……开始沉默。总之,一切好像严肃了一点点。或者说,成熟了吧?