这几个星期,不愉快的事情接踵而来。Bina Insan Guru突然决定在二月9号到12号举行。由于我们学院有自己的湖还有露营场地,就决定在后山进行4天3夜的活动。我们友族同胞是后来才决定要加入这次的活动...(原本是3班华文班而已)。就在我们决定好所有委员后,同胞们竟然取代了我们主席的位置。很多委员变成他们的朋友...我真的不知道这些是不是有心人士在搞鬼,但是这的确让我们非常失望。在新年前夕举办这样的活动不只让东马的朋友必须延迟回家乡庆祝新年,而且还越权....我们真的很失望。
这次的BIG,我又当上ketua peralatan,原因无他...我有经验==我真的希望希望希望不要再有不愉快的事情发生了....
not going home this week as i need to save some money for my insurance fee, book fee, fail, Bina Insan Guru fee, Chinese New Year celebration fee, and many many fee....==
I miss my home, as i not like the environment of the skol....lecturer keep reminded us that we are oredi....owner degree 1st year.should be more mature, reponsible ,hardworking...bla bla bla.
There are many many problem keep interupted me....i wan freedom....dun find trouble to me.我不介意别人以为我是个不好的人,我只介意不会珍惜自己存在价值的人。心会痛....真的很痛。
I miss my home, as i not like the environment of the skol....lecturer keep reminded us that we are oredi....owner degree 1st year.should be more mature, reponsible ,hardworking...bla bla bla.
There are many many problem keep interupted me....i wan freedom....dun find trouble to me.我不介意别人以为我是个不好的人,我只介意不会珍惜自己存在价值的人。心会痛....真的很痛。
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